Bukan keluar dari pakem performa...,sejenak hadirkan kategori transkrip/manuskrip kuno berupa kitab suci Al-Quran hasil tulisan tangan. meng-optimalikan fungsi blog. memuat aneka item demi item.
Dimensi kitab suci ini; panjang 33cm, lebar 21cm dan tebal 5 cm.
cukup lumayan antik. sekalipun belum sempat saya telusuri muasal dan penanggalan sejak hingga khatam proses penulisannya.
Samak berupa tikar yang dilapisi kertas. sudah merenta... dengan sisi kian terkoyak. Yang menarik masih dilengkapi writing tool box. terbuat dari logam... mungkin campuran nikel dan kuningan.Unik bersanding wadah tinta. Silahkan nikmati aura jadul-nya.
It doesn't mean to change the performance, but try to optimize the function of this Blog. now I pick it up..., categorize of manuscript or ancient transcript.
Holy Al-Koran which has been created "hand-writing", it have dimension 33cm length, 21cm width and 5cm thickness.Covering by plaited mat then coat with thick paper as hard cover.Really feel an ancient circumstance, torn on several side. Aging habitually.....,
But I still have no chance to track the almanac of serial processing on writing by author.
the paper inside have a smooth texture...brownish color. Some of them have a tiny holes, dig by small insect, book-worm.
The other thing makes interest..., it still accompanied with writing's tool-box. unique shape made from metal. It could be mixture of nickel and brass. Looks nice and more uniquely with small ink's container on the base of.
Feels to be writer.... to conserve the holy verses of the Koran.